Hokuroku Sousui Granules


The granules contain Kale, well known for its high edible fiber content, and powdered low striped bamboo. These are combined with living vegetable lactic acid bacterium that can reach the digestive tract alive. The distinctive smell of Kale is alleviated by low-striped bamboo’s green-tea fragrance, creating an easy-to-drink beverage with a well-rounded taste. Dissolve in hot water and drink instead of tea. Also delicious when dissolved in warm milk.



¥1,836 Tax included.


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Indigestible dextrin, matcha green tea, kale powder, kumaisasa powder, dextrin, honey, lactic acid bacteria
Nutrition Facts per 1 packet (2g): Energy 5.1kcal, Protein 0.25g, Fat 0.06g, Carbohydrate 1.48g (0.31g sugar, 1.17g dietary fiber), Salt equivalent 0.0009g


(Directions for use)Take one packet per day, mixed with a drink or meal. Do not take more than necessary and follow the recommended daily amount.


Please consume as soon as possible after opening the individual packages. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, please check the ingredients list. In rare cases, depending on your physical condition or constitution, the product may not be suitable for you. If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your doctor before consumption. Please consult your doctor if you are prescribed medication (especially blood coagulation inhibitors) or if you are restricted from taking vitamin K.